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The Members of SECA are limited to individuals designated by a state-level government agency such as a state department of education or state technology agency to serve as a state E-rate coordinator(s) on behalf of school entities. More than one individual per state or territory may be designated as a state E-rate coordinator and may thus be eligible to become a SECA Member. SECA Members may also support library entities in addition to school entities; however, individuals who serve as state library E-rate coordinators, in the absence of also providing support to school entities, are not eligible to join SECA.

A written or electronic communication from an authorized official representing a state-level government agency to the SECA Chairperson is a prerequisite to be eligible for Membership.  Click here to download the form which can then be uploaded to your application.

SECA Membership$350.00 (USD), prorated to $29.17 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: January 1st No automatically recurring payments

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State E-Rate Coordinators' Alliance

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